March for Marrow CA 2025
Shoreline Village, Long Beach
Saturday, April 26, 2025
We invite patients and their friends and families throughout the state of California to be with us in-person or virtually for our 16th Annual March for Marrow at the iconic Shoreline Village, in Long Beach, CA. We will run or walk along the beautiful shore and FUNDRAISE for the Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation, Inc. (AAMDSIF).
AAMDSIF provides education, support, and hope for patients living with aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and related bone marrow failure diseases.
You can support the work of AAMDSIF by donating to March for Marrow CA, creating a team, supporting a team and by joining us in-person on April 26, 2025.
Our mission as California patients, family members and friends is to raise awareness about bone marrow failure diseases and funds for patient services,
research for better treatments and cures for bone marrow failure diseases!
Make a difference today. Don't delay!
Register online, create a team and walk or run with us April 26, 2025.
Thank you!
Saturday, April 26, 2025
7:00 am (5K Registration) to 11:30 am (Farewell)
Any and all Californians, including patients, family, members, friends and advocates!
Doctors, nurses and researchers are also encouraged to join us — the most spirited team of medical professionals gets a prize!
Together! At Shoreline Village, 429 Shoreline Village Drive, Long Beach CA 90802. If you can’t join us in Long Beach, run or walk through your neighborhood wherever you live, on your treadmill, around your local Mall, or… donate and sleep in!
We can’t say it often enough! Our mission is to raise awareness about rare bone marrow failure diseases and funds to support the patient & family services provided by AAMDSIF and research for better treatments and CURES!
Post your photos and selfies at https://www.facebook.com/marchformarrowla! You can help us make this historic March for Marrow California a huge success!
7:00 am - 5K Registration & Packet Pick-Up
8:00 am - 5K Run START
8:15-9:00 am - Walk Registration & T-shirt Pick-Up
9:00 am - 5K Awards
9:00 am - Auction Opens
9:30 am - Moment of Remembrance, 2025 Champion TBA
9:45 am - Group Photo & Walk START
10:00 am -11:00 am - Team Cheers & Photos, Recognition of Sponsors, Teams, & Volunteers, Memory Board, Face Painting & Children’s Activities
11:00 am - Silent Auction Closes
11:30 am - Close & Invitation to M4M CA on 2026 Saturday, April 25, 2026
Registration Options
Adult Walker or Runner (Age 21 and older): $35 each
Student Walker or Runner (14 to 21 enrolled in high school or college): $20 each
Youth Walker or Runner (6 to 13): $15 each
Children 5 and under: Free - donations accepted
Team Pricing Available
Adult Running Teams of 5 or more; $30 each; Coach or Team Organizer must download the form for Adult Team Registration and contact the Race Director.
Students Running Teams of 5 or more; $15 each; Coach or Team Organizer must download the form for Student Team Registration and contact the Race Director.
Youth Running Teams of 5 or more, $12 each; Coach or Team Organizer must download the form for Youth Team Registration and contact the Race Director.
All Student or Youth Walking Teams of 5 or more, $10 each; Coach or Team Organizer must download form for Student or Youth Team Registration and contact the Race Director.
Packet Pick-up
Packet and Bib Pick-Up is scheduled for Thursday, April 24th, Noon to 4:30 pm, at a location TBA. Everything will be available at Registration, Saturday, April 26th.
"This run is perfect for new and seasoned runners. When I can, I run it in memory of my brother, Garrett."
Mia Hamm, US Women's National Soccer Team, 1987-2004
Silent Auction
Walk away with unique baskets, gift certificates, autographed items, California experiences, toys, games … and more!
We are always looking for exciting items, experiences or services with a California flair to offer our fans. If you know a spa/hotel, winery, museum, theater/playhouse, jeweler, restaurant or other business and can ask them for a donation, we can provide you with the proper paperwork to verify our non-profit status.
For more information about the auction and the items, please contact Ruth Cuadra.
BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse
Between now and April 26, 2025, BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse (all locations) will donate 20% of your online or dine-in food and soft beverage purchases toward your team fundraising goal.
Plan now to kick off your team fundraising, celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or other special event at your local BJ’s.
Promote through our social media and yours: https://www.bjrestaurants.com/fundraisers. For help, please contact Stephanie Hamm.
BJ's Restaurants & Brewhouse locations are everywhere in California! https://www.bjsrestaurants.com/locations
The Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation (AAMDSIF) is the world's leading nonprofit health organization for patients and families living with aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and related bone marrow failure diseases.
The Foundation’s strength stems from the multi-faceted community it developed over 40+ years. AAMDSIF serves and educates the patient population and health professionals and provides financial support to clinical researchers searching for better treatments and cures.
For 14 consecutive years, AAMDSIF has earned a coveted Platinum rating from Guidestar/Candid, one of the largest independent charity evaluators. Only 1 percent of all American charities achieve this recognition for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency.
The CA event committee is a wonderful group of California volunteers who work together throughout the year to plan this event!
Thank you to our Planning Committee members for all of their hard work!
Stephanie Dillon Hamm, Chair, Sponsorships & Business Engagement
Ruth Cuadra, Silent Auction Chair
Bill Hamm, Web Page & Fundraising Support
Gus Quinonez, 5K Advisor
Matt Accornero, 5K Run Director, 5K Marketing & Social Media
Jennifer West, Jillian Stewart, More Social Media!
Kathy Madden, Margaret Dascalu, Volunteer Coordinators
Mary Elaine Valenzuela, Distribution of Promotions (Hospitals and Businesses)
We need your help with:
Patient & Family Outreach
The success of this event depends on our volunteers. We are always open to having volunteers from local school student groups, community service groups, college service groups help us! It takes at least 50 volunteers to put on this event! In advance, our greatest needs are for help with
We have regularly scheduled Zoom calls every two weeks on Wednesdays at 7:30. Contact Stephanie Hamm for the schedule of Zoom meetings.
IN-PERSON VOLUNTEER TRAINING at Shoreline Village, 429 Shoreline Village Drive, Long Beach, CA: 5:00 to 6:30 pm, Tuesday, April 22nd or Wednesday, April 23rd. Meet in front of the BLUE Funnel Cake House. Parking will be paid. We will stuff Goody Bags during the training.
Contact Margaret Dascalu with VOLUNTEER in the subject line. See our volunteer job description here!
WALK CHAMPION: Jillian Stewart
In 2019, at just 19 years old, I began experiencing severe fatigue, shortness of breath, and numbness in my hands and legs. As a busy college student in the middle of finals, I dismissed these symptoms as stress-related, but after a visit with my doctor I was diagnosed with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH). The diagnosis was life changing.
The first thing I did was refer to Google and found the AAMDS website. AAMDS was very helpful to me as the patient, and to my family as caregivers, with everything we needed to understand the diagnosis and available treatments
The following years were filled with uncertainty and many different medical treatments, including several different medications, infusions, self-injections, and over 25 blood transfusions. Despite my doctors’ best efforts, my quality of life continued to decline, and eventually, my only option was a bone marrow transplant.
In February of 2024, I received a life-saving transplant thanks to a selfless, unrelated 30-year-old donor. My unrelated donor was identified through NMDP. I celebrated my "rebirthday" and, soon afterwards, my blood tests confirmed that I was cured. Today, I am healthy, happy, and feel like I finally have my life back.
Before my diagnosis and then the transplant, I was majoring in communications at Cal State Fullerton. My career goals have definitely changed. I now want to turn my pain into my purpose and help others who may be in the same position as I found myself.
Dr. Marissa is the Celebrity Host of the award-winning iHeartRadio syndicated show/podcast on NBC News Radio KCAA AM/FM #1 Morning Show called "Take My Advice, Im Not Using It: Get Balanced with Dr. Marissa" an Organizational Psychologist, Inspirational Speaker, Network TV Commentator on topics of Grief Hope and Happiness, and the #1 Bestselling Author of 8 Ways to Happiness from Wherever You Are. Introduced to Oprah 'the Asian Oprah' Dr. Marissa is on a Happy88 Mission...88 million more happy people in the next 18 years!
Our thanks to these supporters who help make this walk and run possible and ultimately make a difference in patients' lives.
National Sponsors
Regional Sponsors
California Heros
California Advocates
California Partners
California Allies
California Neighbors
California Friends
Silent Auction
Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation
(800) 747-2820 | (301) 279-7202 | 4330 East West Highway, Suite 230 | Bethesda, MD 20814 | events@aamds.org
Social media brings us together 24/7. Join our online community where you can report, reflect, reconnect.
Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation
(800) 747-2820 | (301) 279-7202 | 4330 East West Highway, Suite 230 | Bethesda, MD 20814 | events@aamds.org
Social media brings us together 24/7. Join our online community where you can report, reflect, reconnect.
Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation
(800) 747-2820 | (301) 279-7202 | 4330 East West Highway, Suite 230 | Bethesda, MD 20814 | events@aamds.org
Social media brings us together 24/7. Join our online community where you can report, reflect, reconnect.
Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation
(800) 747-2820 | (301) 279-7202 | 4330 East West Highway, Suite 230 | Bethesda, MD 20814 | events@aamds.org
Social media brings us together 24/7. Join our online community where you can report, reflect, reconnect.